Cats Tickets
Thelma Gaylord PAC | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
A lot of the current trending events you can watch on Broadway or in theater, are founded on historical events. Others may be based on characters or figures from the past. For the most part, the vast majority of them remain extremely closely true to the facts or original story. Some also mix in perfectly some type of magic or fantasies to take you into a fictional universe which is simply stunning. You and your family can enjoy a musical like Cats, and be left completely mesmerised. Before you even know it, the show will be over and you will be dying to watch another incredible Theatre performance. So why not come and see the incredible Cats, live only at the illustrious Thelma Gaylord PAT At Civic Center Music Hall ?
The previews have been released and critics are naming Cats one of the most sensational productions of the decade. This December production can only be enjoyed if you order tickets and come to the stunning Thelma Gaylord PAT At Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Friday 30th December 2022. Maybe you’re wondering why you can’t miss Cats? Well, critics are naming it the must-see performance of the season, with many praising the on-stage talent and set design as the “most impressive” design in all of theatre. The performance has been hailed as magical, sensational, and “truly stunning”, so if you love theatre, you can’t afford to miss out. Fans are already rushing to the box office to pick up their tickets, but you can get the best choice of seats if you book yours through our website today! Click the Buy Tickets button below to get started.